NamnBrita ”Bertha” Mattisdotter 
Född1825-06-13, Rydaholm (F)
Död1911-01-08, Chicago, Cook County, Illinois, USA Ålder: 85
Född1811-06-06, Rydaholm (F)
Död1872-01-12, Rydaholm (F) Ålder: 60
Notis för Brita ”Bertha” Mattisdotter
Brita Mattisdotter, Sven Johan, Mattias och Anna Christina till Amerika
Rydaholm (F) AI:21 (1878-1882) Bild 183 / sid 168 (AID: v21662.b183.s168, NAD: SE/VALA/00311)
Mrs. Bertha Strom, mother of Patrolman Swan J; Strom, of the city police department, died yesterdayat her home, 3144 Shields avenue, Chicago. She was 85 years old and had lived in this country 30 years, coming here from Sweden, where she was born. Surviving are four children: S. J. and Gustav Strom, of South Bend; John Strom and Mrs. John Swanson, Chicago. Nine grandchildren also survive. The funeral will be held from the residence in Chicago, Wednesday. Burial will be in Oak Hill cemetery. Those who will attend the funeral from this city will be Mr. and Mrs. Swan J. Strom, Miss Alice Strom and Leroy and and Leslie Strom.
Notis för Peter (Partner 1)
Antagen 18310312
Generalmönsterrullor - Smålands grenadjärbataljon (F, G) 434 (1824-1831) Bild 570 (AID: v60246.b570, NAD: SE/KrA/0023)
Avsked 18620625
Generalmönsterrullor - Smålands grenadjärbataljon (F, G) 438 (1865-1875) Bild 1100 (AID: v60250a.b1100, NAD: SE/KrA/0023)
Född – 18110606 Nederled, Rydaholm
Rydaholm (F) C:6 (1803-1825) Bild 69 / sid 131 (AID: v35998.b69.s131, NAD: SE/VALA/00311)
Död – 18790112 Norregård, Tryggarp
Rydaholm (F) C:12 (1876-1881) Bild 110 (AID: v36004.b110, NAD: SE/VALA/00311)